Beiträge von Adonis Doge

    Please upload pictures here via the file attachments and not as a link, thank you

    No problem :) I just wanted to save you some disk space :D

    I already thought that you meant that this has nothing to do with my plugin and is not deactivated with the Follow User box.You have to ask Woltlab how you deactivate the follow-up system in the suite, as I couldn

    Ok, I thought it was supposed to be hidden when the "Disable followers" option is activated! Thank you for letting me know :)

    I'm sorry, I tried to use the translator but I cannot actually check if it's understandable given my German is even worst than my English u.u

    Anyway, the "problem" I'm having is that I activated the "Disable followers" option and this worked in profiles and menus, however, I can still see the "Users I follow" in the user panel

    Hallo! Ich habe das Freundschaftssystem-Plugin installiert und liebt es jedoch, dass die Option "Benutzer i folgen" im Benutzerfenster nicht mit den Option "Deaktivieren von Anhängern" aktiviert. Ist das ein Problem mit meiner Installation oder ist es normal? Kann das irgendwie versteckt sein?

    Ich bin auf WoltLab Cloud, also habe ich keinen Zugriff auf die Datenbanken

    Vielen Dank im Voraus!