Here I Am Like A Small Child In A Candy Shop

    Each time I visit this place I see new and interesting things that make my eyes look like this: :love: :love:

    However I often don't know how that 8) thing was accomplished :/ . Plugin? CSS? Fancy/Magic Code?

    So I decided I will ask a million and one questions just like a Two Year old. :D

    Das ist eine Test Signatur

    Now comes the questions.. How to do these C8)OOL things...? Are they done with plugins? Do they work with WSC 6.0 and are they available for purchase?

    1) The username in a customised colors


    2)The personalised greeting in the signature


    3) The ticker scrolling banner at the top of the forums


    4) The Last Post Ticker Box


    5) the vertical recent activities timeline




    Das ist eine Test Signatur

    1) The username in a customised colors

    Version 5.5 | 6.0
    EUR 2,00

    2)The personalised greeting in the signature

    Usernamen im Thema - WoltLab®
    Hallo liebe Mitstreiter, ich habe eine Frage. Ist es möglich in einen Thema jeden User per Benutzernamen an zusprechen. Gibt es hierfür einen BBCode? z.B.…

    3) The ticker scrolling banner at the top of the forums

    4) The Last Post Ticker Box

    Version 5.4 | 6.0 | 6.1

    5) the vertical recent activities timeline

    Eigene Anfertigung für Wbb Support.




    WBBSupport grüßt Gast

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